Little Girl's Journey into the Starry Winter Night
Little Girl's Journey into the Starry Winter Night

Little Girl's Journey into the Starry Winter Night

Regular price $50.00

Little Girl's Journey into the Starry Winter Night

Winter Tree

On cold shimmering winter nights the tree stands still with its bare branches stretched toward the sky. The sparkling stars dress the tree in a robe of twinkling star light. Looking up through the branches, the little girl sees the stars become the winter leaves of the tree and waits for one of them to fall like a leaf from a tree. Dancing down to earth, ready to be caught by her outstretched arms.

Moon Rise

The Moon looks small compared to the vast horizon she crosses on her night’s journey. When no one is looking, the Moon stops and takes a rest on a tree branch before continuing her journey.

Sweet Dream

During the Wintertime, the seeds of the poppy flowers rest under the ground. The poppy fairy stays with them during the winter and helps them to remember the time of spring, summer and autumn. She reads stories to the seeds about the first rain in the spring, the growing and blooming, the visits of bees and butterflies in the summer. She tells them of the magical sound they will sing in the autumn when the wind shakes their seedpods full of seeds. Falling back to earth with the quiet sigh of the earth’s breath.

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